Thursday, December 22, 2005

set to go

I will be changing servers, so don't think if there is not a current posting, that must mean I've given up. I'm all set to go on the excursion of a four day celebration with food food food food. I have my mind set by what I posted on the the 21st of this month and plan to follow through with my own tips for getting over this hurdle in a decent manner. I will as usual, use my tally count for every forward move I take in the right direction of healthy eating and a more active life style. I also count everytime I use some kind of control in the amount of food I consume or anytime I say no to something. I even count getting on the scale, that's like facing the music or being accountable for my actions. It keeps me on a long leash. Don't let a little gain deter you from your focus of reaching a healthy weight. Always look at the big (excuse the pun) picture. How much have I lost so far? There has been some ups and downs in between but I am still weighing less than I did seven months ago. I can't wait until I get back to using the weight room (according to my abilities) again then I will see the weight come off much quicker. I do not long to exercise but everytime I ever pushed myself to do it, I always felt better, had more energy, and detected a slight decrease in my appetite. I caught myself rambling again. HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS.

1 comment:

Hilary said...

oh thanks for the comment...that was deep
yeah i dont really know what to say! hope you have a great christmas
