Thursday, January 05, 2006


It hasn't been a week yet since I've renewed my resolutions for this coming year. Already, there is a snag in my intentions. I went back to the small weight room to recapture my enthusiasm for being more active, to burn more calories in the form of fat. I stopped in yesterday and today to ride the cycle and it was so busy I was lucky to cram in 5 to 15 minutes. I felt the desire but the opportunities were very very limited and my patience was wearing thin. I'll try again next Tuesday but I feel I may have to find another source for activity that accommodates my limitations. Tonight is a meeting of people and goodies, here we go again. Same old, same old. How can I turn my life around when my surrounding circumstance are stagnant? I'm a firm believer that behavior modification will stop the monotony and cause one to make a change in their life styles. Something like this; ask yourself what kind of changes are doable for you, identify your bad eating habits, recognize mistakes, know your eating triggers, and use every trick in the book you've ever read about for diets until you come up with a healthy plan that works for you. Don't stay on a diet for more than two weeks that is only to give you the jump start with success, that we all seem to need. I guess I'll try, after the weekend of course, to cut way back on my carbs. That is something I should be doing anyway because I am a borderline diabetic. I also am a big (really big) fan of visual aids. I'm going back to listings, tally counts, journaling, graphs, pictures (of me that I hate), and little sticky note reminders all in view everywhere I look or go. Let there be no getting a break from it. It's do or die (sooner than later.) AVE!

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