Thursday, June 29, 2006


I have never seen a person on a diet who lost weight by being
in a bad mood. Those losing weight were always enthusiastic!
(Light bulb here?) Optimism is contagious. You feel it and it
shows! It gives you a sense of power, and makes you see the
possibilities. Being in the right frame of mind will build up the
confidence in yourself. It changes the procrastinator into a
producer. It tells things about you and what you are working
towards. Optimism opens doors and turns dreams into realities.
I just found another key to use in my quest towards a healthier
life style that will guarantee success! By Jove, I think I've got it!


Askazombiehousewife said...

I see people confuse willpower with attitude. Good attitude trumps will power :-)

Louisiana said...

i hope you are well. thank you for all your love and support. i'm off in just a few hours. i'm excited but very scared too..thank you for your prayers. be happy. stay well. receive my heart. hugs.

Askazombiehousewife said...

Thank you your post are now up. :-)
You are full of support and I like that.