Monday, September 26, 2005

sleep it off

The latter I'm up the hungrier I get. I don't know why I don't go to bed and sleep it off. I was being tempted to just take a little bit of something to satisfy my slight hunger urge. I know myself very well. I have better control by passing up the food than by tasting only a bite. Tomorrow is my accountability day with weigh-in. I didn't try to have any control or do my moving around activities to burn off what I ate at all this week. I know that consistency always pays off the weight or pays up the gain. I wish I had another wedding to go to so that I would care about how I looked. That is probably why I hide a lot. I don't have to be presentable in my house by myself. I even avoid my mirrors as much as possible. As soon as I lose a pound my tune will change. Watch and see. CHOW! Oh, that reminds me of food.

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