Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I just lost my idenity in this blog a couple of weeks ago. Nothing is the same and 23 additions are gone along with the coloring design. Hello stress, back in my life again? Holiday eating and gaining or being on guard and constantly denying and saying no over and over again? I will not allow that kind of stress to interrupt my seven week holiday celebrations this particular year. Last year was a depressing transition that made me sick the whole season. Yes I ate on Thanksgiving, and I probably have a gain, and tonight is my weigh-in. So what. I will put my vigilance on hold and just enjoy what is left in my life as far as time and family goes. In the back of my head is knowledge of how to get healthier and live a little longer, that will be brought to the front of the line with my New Years Resolutions. Sorry if you are looking for motivation about dieting it won't be found here at this time. I will try to at least find articles to post once in a while to refresh the reason for this blog. I need technical help again to reestablish the state of this blog as it was three weeks ago. Thanks for your patience.

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Though it goes against our senses to think so, what seems to be a bad alternative may be the best one.


Askazombiehousewife said...

I ate on thanksgiving as well
I had to make it livable
I gave myself my extra points

Anonymous said...

Maybe you can change that "saying no over and over again" to "instead may I have", or even simpler just limit the quantity.

There is no reason one needs to stop eating something (unless it is poisonous).

I think it is the quantity. :D

Louisiana said...

i was sending you a card on Christmas. took it with me on holidays so i could write it on the airport or plane...i forgot the thing i was putting in it...just found it now...sorry it's getting to you late..pls know i love you, we were so happy to receive your card, the kids loved the stickers and we love you.

you are not alone..i'm with you if in spirit...xooxoxoxoxo