Saturday, December 31, 2005


I made my resolutions short sweet and easy to accomplish. I wish I had the tenacity to do a complete medical makeover. It would encounter the physical and psychological difficulties of making changes in my life, such as; eliminating caffeine, sugar, nutrition without colorings and additives, vitamin and mineral supplements, no alcohol, exercise, stress control, and no smoking! Well, who wants to be perfect by dramatically changing their lives, their health, their sense of well-being, and possibly their longevity? Speaking of longevity, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE, this New Year's Eve! I always have pork and saurkraut for good luck, I don't where that tradition came about in my family. I didn't go to the buffet last night, what a disappointment, but I surely shaved off a lot of calories for that day. I count it all good. Party hardy, you guys and have a good one! Auf Wiedersehen! HAPPY NEW YEAR to our troops and come home soon, we love and miss you all, Godspeed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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