Friday, April 13, 2007

7 steps

I read this in my newsletter and this is how success was spelled:

S ee your goal.
U nderstand the obstacles.
C lear your mind of doubt.
C reate a positive mental picture.
E mbrace the challange.
S tay on track.
S how the world you can do it. T.

See you in a couple of weeks. I faced the music last weigh-in and lost 2.50 pounds. No pat on the back please. I looked at my book of w/i and in the last year I have lost 92 pounds, (over and over again I lost and gained and lost and gained etc.) The hard cold fact is I lost my 65# weight loss in the yo-yo system. I need to get back on line so that I can feel that spark of motivation that lasted from day to day as I continued with my postings and researching two years. Times is up, got to go. Thanks for stopping by.


Askazombiehousewife said...

Hi hope you are doing well.

alex said...
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