Sunday, September 03, 2006


Turns out beans are chock-full of more than just protein, vitamins, calcium, and fiber. U.S. Department of Agriculture researchers, trying to figure out which beans are best for you, discovered the legumes pack more antioxidants than previously thought. Black beans, for instance, have the same amount of cancer-and heart disease-fighting phytochemicals as grapes and cranberries. As a rule, darker beans contain more of the good stuff. The researchers say eating one half-cup serving two or three times per week is as beneficial as drinking a glass of red wine each day.


Louisiana said...

spanish people love their beans. there are a ton of ways of cooking them...enjoy.

Jerry Bowley said...

Hmm... I have to wonder which would be more fun, though: Beans 3 times a week, or wine everyday!


Askazombiehousewife said...

I love beans in salads.

Anonymous said...

Cuppojoe, how could you say that? Beans are the magical fruit! LOL How about baked beans with a red wine BBQ sauce? Can't hurt to double up on those antioxidants, right?