Wednesday, August 16, 2006


*D- this time I will be Determined to change my attitude
about what I eat, how much I eat, when I eat, and how it is fixed.

*I- this time I will keep it Interesting food-wise and dance to music
for exercise. I will not be impatient for results.

*E- this time I will have higher expectations for my self weekly. I
can do whatever I put my mind to. Small goals are doable.

*T- this time I will be Tenacious about my commitments and not
take breaks every time a good excuse comes up. (This Sunday
is a wedding.)


Louisiana said...

wedding? how joyful of an occassion. i hope they have a long, happy marriage. somebody has to out there.

enjoy and have fun this sunday. i'm sure you will look great and i will be happy knowing that you are having fun.

Askazombiehousewife said...

You can do this.

Get a caloerie guide to help you with weddings amd parties.
At my dad's wedding I made sure I layered my plate with lots of fruits and and veggies
I didn't eat the sandwhich it seemed as much calorie at the cake. I had half a piece of wedding cake.

Lily T said...

Yay! A wedding. I'm a hopeless romantic.

Celebrations are my downfall. I have one on Saturday too. Wish you luck.