Wednesday, September 19, 2007

lowered expectations

I quit beating up myself with goals that are too restricting and unattainable in a small amount of time. That causes me to feel defeated and strips my motivation for that week. A pound or two gain may happen once in a while but that just spurs me on to try harder the following day. So now since 7/31 I have kept a blue or black weigh-in in my book. So far this year I have only lost nineteen pounds (a drop in the bucket.) I am looking forward to that day soon to come when I change my size of clothing, in a decending number, one size at a time.

I found a new tip I must try. Simply serving your food on lavender-colored dishware can keep you from overeating. Because there so few violet or blue foods in nature, we instinctively feel less hungry when surrounded by these hues, say color therapists, who use this trick to help dieters stick to their weight-loss plans.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Q. I always order dessert even though I know I shouldn't. Do you have any willpower tricks?

A. Try popping a piece of gum right after you finish your entree. It takes at least 20 minutes from when you begin eating for your body to start feeling full. Chewing gum keeps your mouth busy and your tastebuds distracted in the meantime, says Richard Baybutt, PhD, an associate professor of human nutrition at Kansas State University.

Last week I lost a few more pounds but didn't go to my weigh-in yesterday. I added some pounds over the holiday weekend. I have had two months of losses and don't want to see that red weigh-in mark messing up my book anymore! I have to work a little harder this week to continue with a loss. I thin I can, I thin I can, I know I can!

Happy Birthday 9/10 to my youngest daughter, I really love and miss you and my grandson very very much. I hope someday I can be in your lives again. God Bless you both!